Who is responsible for the Pylos shipwreck? Part 2

The overcrowded fishing trawler Adriana was on its way from Libya to Italy, and on the fifth day of it’s supposed three day journey, they ran into trouble. The Hellenic Coastguard however, did not respond immediately despite being aware of the situation. From the 750 people on board, only 108 survived and 642 lost their lives when…

Arrival of Bodies of Greek Shipwreck Victims: Condolences and Questions About the Egyptian Passengers

*First Published on RPE According to the Refugees Platform in Egypt (RPE) findings, residents of Tala in Menoufia Governorate and Abrash in Al-Sharqia Governorate were able to identify 14 bodies of their family members among the victims of the “Pylos” shipwreck in Greece through DNA analysis. Egyptian authorities had informed the victims’ families on June 22nd to…

Greece: Disparities in accounts of Pylos shipwreck underscore the need for human rights compliant inquiry

Starkly divergent accounts from survivors and Greek authorities around the circumstances of the deadly Pylos shipwreck, underscore the urgent need for an effective, independent, and impartial investigation, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch said today.   The disparities between survivors’ accounts of the Pylos shipwreck and the authorities’ version of the events are extremely concerning The fishing vessel, Adriana, was…

Greece shipwreck: Nine Egyptian survivors still in pre-trial detention

New report suggests real culprits behind deadly Pylos wreck had close ties with Libya’s eastern commander, Khalifa Haftar *First Published on Middle East Eyes By Katherine Hearst Nine Egyptian men accused of being members of a smuggling network are still being held in Greece in pre-trial detention, in connection with last month’s deadly Pylos shipwreck, campaigners say. On 13 June, a…

Pylos: The technological capacities of the ship PPLS 920 render absurd any no-footage claims (video + pictures)

*First Published in Initiative of Lawyers and Jurists for the shipwreck of Pylos The technological capacities of the ship PPLS 920 render absurd any no-footage claims (vid+pics) The technological capacities of the ship (PPLS 920) render absurd any claim by the Greek authorities that no footage of the Pylos shipwreck exists. [Announcement of the Initiative of Lawyers…

Frontex statements, reactions, initiatives on the Pylos shipwreck (official statements, tweets, media reports, LIBE, etc)

*Repost from Initiative of Lawyers and Jurists for the shipwreck of Pylos In this post, we gather Frontex statements, reactions, initiatives, etc, on the Pylos shipwreck (official statements + media reports) 1) Frontex tweet (2023-06-14) An initial version of this tweet, had the phrase “All questions should be directed to the Greek Rescue Coordination Centre”. This content…