Who to contact about people missing since the June 14 shipwreck in Greece

*First Published on InfoMigrants

Information for relatives and friends of missing persons

The fishing boat that left Tobruk, Libya on June 10 and sank off Pylos in southern Greece on June 14 is thought to have been carrying between 400 and 800 people.

As of Wednesday (June 21), the bodies of 82 deceased persons had been recovered from the sea.

There are 104 survivors, whose nationalities are Egyptian, Syrian, Pakistani, Palestinian and Afghan, according to reports. It has also been reported that Bangladeshis were on the boat.

If you are searching for a missing friend or family member who may have been on the boat, this information may be useful.

If you are in Greece, contact

  • Headquarters of the Disaster Victim Identification Team in Athens

Telephone: 213 138 6000

Email: dvi@astynomia.gr

  • Hellenic Red Cross

Telephone: 210 523 0043 or 210 514 0440 (interpretation over the phone is possible)

Email: tracingstaff@redcross.gr

  • The International Committee of the Red Cross in Athens

Telephone: 210 825 9069 (Monday to Friday: 09.00 – 17.30)

Email: ath_tracing@icrc.org

If you are outside Greece, contact


  • Egyptian Red Crescent Restoring Family Links

RFL Hotline (also WhatsApp): 011 4455 6002

Email: rfl@egyptianrc.org


  • Pakistani Red Crescent Society

Telephone: 0304 1030 320

Email: pm.rfl@prcs.org.pk


  • Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Restoring Family Links

The following number on the ICRC site could not be confirmed (21 June 2023)

+88 02 49354296

Email: tracing@bdrcs.org

The contacts for your nearest ICRC office can be found here.

Alternatively, the Disaster Victim Identification Team in Greece also takes calls from outside Greece for inquires about any nationals

Telephone: +30 213 138 6000

Email: dvi@astynomia.gr

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