The state crime of Pylos must not be forgotten.

It has been 15 months since the state crime of Pylos, where more than 600 people lost their lives.

Despite the systematic attempts of the authorities to cover up what really happened and blame 9 of the survivors, this fortunately did not happen and the Pylos 9 were acquitted.

Yet the Hellenic coastguard, with the immunity it enjoys and the economic and political support of the EU, continues to murder migrants at the borders. While pushback practices continue, there are now frequent incidents of severe physical violence against migrants and shots being fired at migrants’ boats, often with fatal results.

Ten months after the investigation opened by the Greek Ombudsperson, those responsible for the so-called search and rescue operation of the Adriana, as well as the Coast Guard officers, members of the patrol vessel PPLS 920, responsible for the sinking of the Adriana, are finally coming forward to testify. 

The criminal investigation into the responsibilities of the Greek authorities, by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Piraeus Naval Court, following a complaint of at least 55 of the survivors, remains open, with yet no information as to when it will be concluded.

At the same time, the survivors and key witnesses of the sinking of the Adriana are threatened with deportation, as the Greek state refuses to grant them international protection, despite the dangers they face if they return to their countries of origin, but also as victims of the tragic shipwreck.

We demand

  • The thorough investigation for the causes of the ‘Pylos shipwreck’ and the prosecution of those truly responsible.
  • The provision of required psychosocial support and the granting of international protection to all survivors.
  • An immediate end to the criminalisation of migration and the systematic incarceration of people on the move. 
  • An immediate end to increasing and lethal border violence.

18 September 2024

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