In this post, we gather the public statements of the Coast Guard’s spokesman Nikos Alexiou in the next 24 hours after the fatal shipwreck off Pylos. Big contradictions arise from these statements, with the most characteristic being the initial absolute refusal of any rafting of the “Adriana” boat (as the fishing boat with the hundreds…
*First Published on Syria Direct ATHENS — On Tuesday, three Syrian families gathered at an Islamic cemetery in Komotini, northern Greece. They were there to bury three men: Riyadh Ghassan al-Talab, Muhammad al-Suwaydan and Hussam Zatima. Al-Talab, al-Suwaydan and Zatima, all from Syria’s southern Daraa province, were among the estimated 750 people on board a…
*First Published in Initiative of Lawyers and Jurists for the shipwreck of Pylos Open Letter on the Greece Boat Disaster: Questions of International Law This letter is undersigned by academics internationally specialising in the areas of migration, asylum, refugee and human rights law, public international law, law of the sea and international criminal law. On 14 June…
Ξεκίνησε προκαταρκτική στο Ναυτοδικείο Πειραιά για διερεύνηση ποινικών ευθυνών ανδρών του Λιμενικού για το πολύνεκρο ναυάγιο της Πύλου. Η Ιλβα Γιόχανσον, ευρωπαία Επίτροπος εσωτερικών υποθέσεων, στην από 6/7/2023 πρόσκληση της LIBE, ενημέρωσε ότι εκτός της ποινικής διερεύνησης για τους διακινητές, εκκίνησε πλέον έρευνα (προκαταρκτική) στο Ναυτοδικείο Πειραιά για τις ποινικές ευθύνες του Λιμενικού για το πολύνεκρο…
By Moira Lavelle and Vedat Yeler *First Published onAl Jazeera Names marked with an asterisk have been changed to protect identities. Pylos, Greece – As soon as the overloaded fishing trawler set off from Libya last month, the danger seemed obvious to Ahmed*, a 21-year-old Syrian. “The boat was too heavy,” he told Al Jazeera. “We were sitting next to each…
By Imogen Piper, Joyce Sohyun Lee, Claire Parker and Elinda Labropoulou *originally pubished in The Washington PostJuly 5 at 10:00 a.m.717 The earliest of more than a dozen distress calls came the morning of June 13. On a boat overpacked with migrants, water had run out and the situation was deteriorating. Yet the Greek coast guard did not call for a high-priority…
Families of those on board recall the heartbreaking farewells they shared as hopes of finding any more survivors vanish. By Moira Lavelle and Vedat Yeler *First Published on Al Jazeera Naeem Afridi last spoke to his brother, Hameedullah, on June 12 as he was travelling on a boat from Libya headed to Europe. “Hameedullah told me ‘Don’t worry.… Συνέχεια ενημέρωσης: Αναφορικά με την ευρεία επιχείρηση έρευνας και διάσωσης αλλοδαπών που βρίσκεται σε εξέλιξη, σε διεθνή ύδατα στη θαλάσσια περιοχή 47 ν.μ. νοτιοδυτικά Πύλου, υπό το συντονισμό του Ενιαίου Κέντρου Συντονισμού Έρευνας και Διάσωσης Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ., γνωρίζεται ότι στην περιοχή επιχειρούν Πλοίο Ανοιχτής Θαλάσσης (Π.Α.Θ.) Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ. και τρία (03) παραπλέοντα πλοία, ενώ πρόκειται να…
*First Puplished on MadaMasr An Egyptian fishing trawler, navigated by inexperienced migrants departing from the shores of eastern Libya for a new life in Italy, got lost in the sea within a day of setting sail. A hundred people were on the deck. But the majority of the over 700 migrants were locked downstairs in…