Authorities in Pakistan say at least 124 Pakistanis were on a boat that sank off Greece with hundreds feared drowned. By Abid Hussain *First Published on Al Jazeera Islamabad, Pakistan – Two of Abid Kashmiri’s family members were on board the refugee-filled vessel that capsized off the coast of Greece last week. A cousin, Imran Nazir, and nephew, Abdul…
*reposted from The ConversationThe Mediterranean route between Libya and Italy has been described as the “world’s most dangerous maritime crossing”. This was proven once again last week in the tragic shipwreck of a boat full of men, women and children, around 50 miles away from the southern Greek town of Pylos. The boat was being tracked by… By Nick Beake, Europe correspondent & Kostas Kallergis, senior Europe producer BBC News in Kalamata *Originally Published in BBCThe BBC has obtained evidence casting doubt on the Greek coastguard’s account of Wednesday’s migrant shipwreck in which hundreds are feared to have died. Analysis of the movement of other ships in the area suggests the…
*more info here2023-06-16 We are shocked and saddened by the tragic events that unfolded off the coast of Greece. The Frontex Executive Director, who travelled to Greece after learning about the tragedy, has offered any support the authorities may need. People smugglers have once again trifled with human lives by forcing several hundred migrants on a fishing boat…
The findings of an investigation by Welt am Sonntag and POLITICO raise questions about whether the authorities knew the boat was in distress earlier than they admitted. *originally published in PoliticoJULY 15, 2023 1:30 AM CET BY LENNART PFAHLER, TIM RÖHN AND JACOPO BARIGAZZI Early on the morning of the Adriana’s final day at sea, the Italian authorities sent a…
*Originally published in DocumentoThe “Aigaion Pelagos” lifeguard boat was in the area, but was not included in the rescue operation by the Greek Coast Guard. Only hours after the capsizing of a vessel in the Mediterranean which led to the death of at least 78 migrants, information published by Documento, demonstrates important responsibilities of the Greek authorities.…
*Αναδημοσίευση από ΕΡΤ News «Αν με κάποιο μαγικό τρόπο, σταματούσαν αύριο κάποιες συρράξεις σε πολύ κρίσιμα σημεία του πλανήτη Ουκρανία, Σουδάν, Αφγανιστάν, ο αριθμός των προσφύγων θα μειωνόταν στο μισό» ανέφερε μιλώντας στην ΕΡΤ η Στέλλα Νάνου εκπρόσωπος Ύπατης Αρμοστείας ΟΗΕ, σύμφωνα και με την έκθεσης του ΟΗΕ για το 2022. «Τελευταία οι πρόσφυγες επιχειρούν όλο…